What do we do

Diesel service and distribution station in the Province of Lleida

Service station and distribution of diesel at home, for transport, industry, agriculture, individuals, communities

At the Segria Service Station we have a vehicle wash bridge, pressurized water hoses, a vacuum cleaner area

We have a store: sale of bread, press, tobacco, ice, lubricants, accessories, food, etc.

What do we do


Gas station

Gas station

Sale of fuels: Diesel A, Diesel B (agricultural), Unleaded Gasoline 95, Unleaded Gasoline 98, Store, Vehicle Wash, Air / Water, Sale of butane and propane

Home diesel distribution (province of lleida)

Home diesel distribution (province of lleida)

Diesel A .- transport, automotive, vehicles

Diesel B .- agriculture, livestock, heating

Car wash

Car wash

Istobal M9+ Washing Bridge, Pressurized water hose, Vacuum cleaner

Sale of butane and propane gas

Sale of butane and propane gas

Butà gas bandage of 12.5 kg. i gas propà of 11 kg. of the Cepsa brand



Food, beverages, newspapers, magazines, ice, bread, lubricants, accessories, telephone refills, tobacco.


Image gallery


Ctra. N-230 Lleida – Vall d’Aran, km. 22 - Almenar

973770145 - 649925317


24 hour service

Basic information about data protection

Responsable Estació de Servei Segrià + info

Purpose Establish contact. + info

Legitimation Consent of the interested party. + info

Recipient of assignments In any case no transfer of data to third parties.

Rights You have the right, among others, to access, rectify, limit and delete your data. + info